The Two R’s to Sustained Success in Real Estate

How is the Real Estate Market? The Answer in 60 Seconds.

Today I’d like to talk about something that I call, The Two R’s to Success in Real Estate. I’ve heard time and time again that our business is simple, yet hard. The hard part is doing simple things over and over again.
  1. Relationships:We're not selling a commodity, we're selling service and expertise. As a result the key to success is maintaining strong relationships. All too often I see in the whirlwind of our day time spent on searching for new relationships while neglecting the people that we already know who trust us and like us. I highly recommend a book titled The Power of Who by Bob Beaudine. The author's position is simple: we already know everyone we need to know to be successful.

  2. Routine: Following a routine provides familiarity and focus to our activities. It brings organization and productivity into our lives. A good routine will help you achieve more balance between your personal and professional lives. If you do not have a daily routine, you need to create one today.

In review, you need to feed your relationships consistently, and you need to build a daily routine of activities that will ensure your success.

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