Five Mental Habits That Ensure Success

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Our brain is our biggest asset, but can also be our worst enemy. When we think positively we will experience success. In order to reach greater levels of success we must believe we have the talent to do so. These five mental exercises will help you reach the mindset you need to succeed on a daily basis. 
  1. Owning your outcomes: Focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t do. Don't make excuses or blame external circumstances for underperformance.
  2. Be true to who you are: Your opinion of yourself is the most important opinion. Validation of performance is normal, but don't invest time seeking approval from others.
  3. Believe in yourself: Create a list of affirmations that will boost your confidence. List your skills, talents, and achievements.
  4. Positive self talk: Talk to yourself like a close friend. Negative self talk will bring you down faster than anything. 
  5. Measure but don't second-guess every choice: Reflect on the choices you've made, but don't second-guess yourself. Use this as a means to measure performance and outcomes in order to make better decisions in the future.

I guarantee you will perform at a higher level if you follow these five practices. Just remember, success always starts from within.

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