Tips for Achieving Your 2016 Goals

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I think a lot about performance gap. The principle of the performance gap is relevant to all businesses. The single biggest gap in business performance today is the gap between what we know and what we do.

We all have high expectations of ourselves this year and beyond, and this is a great principle to ask ourselves about throughout the course of the year. Asking yourself those questions will keep you on the path that you started on, the path that will lead you to the results you want to achieve by the end of the year.

Ask yourself this question, "I know based on my strategic plan that I need to be doing X, Y, and Z. Am I doing those things consistently?"

If you are, great. If you're not as consistent as you need to be, that performance gap widens. Asking yourself that question gives you the opportunity to refocus, recommit, shorten the gap, and stay on the path to your year-end goals.

The best way to keep that gap from widening is to focus on today. Focus on your daily progress. Focus on the present. I heard a great saying that you should keep in mind: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why it's called the present."

The hard part is not living in the rear view mirror, not dwelling in the past. We get bogged down by what we could've, should've, or would've done to make things different now. You might also find yourself spending too much time worrying about tomorrow.

So live today, focus on the present and monitor your performance gap. My hope for everyone is to give our perfect effort today, and if we do, tomorrow will take care of itself.

Continued Success!

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